



*73rd IFLA General Conference and Council*

*World Library and Information Congress*

*Durban** , South Africa**, 19-23 August 2007*
Asia & Oceania Open Session Call for Papers

* *
Session Theme: Information Providers Coping with Disaster in Asia-Oceania

From war in Iraq to typhoons in the Philippines, with tsunamis, floods,
infestations of various kinds and many manmade disasters in between ? it
be said that the Asia-Oceania region is one of the most disaster-prone
in the world. But at the same time it is an area rich in research on
disaster prevention in the information sector and on coping with
once they have struck.

Therefore, the Asia-Oceania Section wishes to highlight work in this
on disaster management and disaster prevention with an Open Session at
IFLA World Library and Information Congress to be held in Durban, South
Africa , 19-23 August 2007. Dedicated to the theme, "Information
Coping with Disaster in Asia-Oceania", suggested topics include, but are
limited to:

? Preserving libraries and other information providers in times of

? Coping when disasters strike ? floods, tsunamis, etc

? 'Best practice' case studies of rebuilding libraries

? Disaster management plans

? Impact of disasters on staff

? Staff training in disaster preparedness


1. The deadline for submitting a detailed, abstract (500 words) and
author details is *15 December 2006*. Selection of papers is based on the
abstract, and presenters will be notified by *mid-February 2007* at the
latest whether they have been successful

2. The full paper is due on *1 May 2007* and must be an original
submission not published elsewhere

3. Both abstracts and full papers should be submitted as a MS Word
by e-mail; fax or post should be used only as a last resort

4. Papers should be of 20 pages maximum, double spaced

5. Papers should be in English with an abstract, and the presenter
be fluent in language

6. 20 minutes will be allowed for a summary delivery of the paper in

7. The author(s) should indicate his/her personal full contact
and include summary curriculum vitae with the paper. Also, a digital
photograph would be useful.

*Selection: *Full abstracts (500 words) should be prepared following the
template provided below. Each abstract will be blind reviewed by members
the Regional Standing Committee for Asia and Oceania. *Abbreviated
or late submissions* *will not be considered*.

*Purpose of this paper*

What are the reason(s) for writing the paper (or the aims of the


How are the objectives achieved? Include the main method(s) used for the
study. What is the approach to the topic, and what is the theoretical or
subject scope of the paper?


What was found in the course of the work? This will refer to analysis,
discussion, or results. **

*Research limitations/implications (if applicable)*

If research is reported on in the paper, this section must be completed
should include suggestions for future research and any identified
limitations in the research process.

*Practical implications *

*(if applicable)*

What outcomes and implications for practice, applications and
are identified? All papers should have practical applications. What
to practice might be made as a result of this research/paper? **

*What is original/value of paper*

What is new in the paper? State the value of the paper and to whom.

Please send your abstract *by 15 December 2006* to:

Professor Gary Gorman, RSCAO Chair
E-mail: gary.gorman@vuw.ac.nz

Ms Premila Gamage, RSCAO Secretary

E-mail: premilagamage@gmail.com

Premila Gamage
Secretary - IFLA Regional Standing Committee on Asia and Oceania
Institute of Policy Studies
99, St. Michael's Road
Colombo 3
Sri Lanka
Phone- 94 11 2431368
Fax- 94 11 2431395
