Call for Papers: Resource Sharing & Information Networks, Volume 21
Resource Sharing & Information Networks is now accepting manuscript submissions. The deadline for submission of papers is Thursday, September 6, 2007 for publication in Fall 2008. Submissions should follow the Instructions to Authors http://www.haworthpress.com/AuthorEditor/Journals/ and can be emailed directly to the Editor, Dr. Barbara J. Stites at bstites@fgcu.edu. Thematic issues will be considered: Guest Editors interested in proposed theme issues should send an outline for such projects to the Editor. Specific areas for article development include:
Administration and Leadership of Networks, Cooperatives, and Consortia:
Organizational Development
Board Development
Finance and Accounting
Human Resource Development
Resource Sharing:
Access to shared resources
Reciprocal Borrowing
Interlibrary Loan
Document Delivery
Unmediated Borrowing
Electronic Resource Management Systems (ERMS)
Training and Continuing Education:
Development and Design
Implementation and Evaluation
Blended Learning: Online plus F2F
New Academic/Industry Roles & Economics:
Institutional repositories
Linking of institutional repositories
FTE Pricing
Agency Role vs. Order Direct
Cooperative Purchasing:
New models
First offers
Exchanges of consideration
Shared goals
Success-driven compromise
New International Roles for Consortia:
Equitable access to information for developing economies
Social responsibilities of developed economies
Special regions: East Europe & Russia; China; Africa
New Publisher Roles:
Growing role of consortia in the new serial economy
Integration of electronic serials with continuing
e-book programs
Combination of publisher full-text with licensed full-text
Prospective authors may obtain article guidelines, request a free sample copy, and find other important information on the journal by going to: http://www.haworthpress.com/store/product.asp?sku=j121. You may also request a free print sample copy by emailing: samplecopy@haworthpress.com . For additional inquiries, contact the Editor, Dr. Barbara J. Stites at: bstites@fgcu.edu.
Special Notes
Resource Sharing & Information Networks is published in both print and electronic formats. It is hosted on Haworth's own website, as well as on INGENTA and the major subscription electronic journal platforms. New subscribers obtain complete digital archive access, going back to Volume I, #1 at a small surcharge, and retain those backfiles which they purchase. Backfile preservation is secured by PORTICO, LOCKSS, and a back-up CD-ROM service. The journal is ATHENS Authenticated.
Resource Sharing & Information Networks is one of over 35 professional journals in library & information science published by Haworth Press. The program is under the leadership of Sul Lee, Editor-in-Chief for Library & Information Science. Dr. Lee is the Peggy V. Helmerich Chair, Dean, University Libraries, Professor of Bibliography, Professor of Library and Information Studies for University of Oklahoma Libraries.
Please excuse any cross-postings.
Barbara J. Stites, Ph.D.
Editor, Resource Sharing & Information Networks (RSIN)
Florida Gulf Coast University
10501 FGCU Boulevard, South
Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565
(239) 590-7602 voice